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근거기반 체중감량 운동(논문)

by 이진복한의원 2017. 11. 20.

재미있는 논문이 나왔네요~~^^

이 주제에 대한 내용도 실려있습니다. 

Aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercise is essential for weight management, in addition to diet control. Engaging

in moderate-intensity aerobic exercise for 150 to 300 minutes a week and in muscle-strengthening exercise more

than twice a week is recommended to reduce obesity. High-intensity aerobic exercise is also effective and can save

time. Extra caution is needed to prevent injuries during high intensity exercise. Diabetic patients should prevent

hypoglycemia and monitor the status of their feet. Exercise modification is needed in patients with complications

of diabetes. Individuals with hypertension can do muscle-strengthening exercises safely. Lower-impact exercises are

recommended for patients with osteoarthritis and extremely obese patients.

원문 자료 같이 올립니다. 

근거기반 체중감량 운동.pdf
